Harrison Skinner is entertaining panto audiences with his performance of Prince Ryder in M & M's production of Snow White - here's some pictures below of him in his princely outfit.
Harrison is touring around the UK and entertaining tonnes of children with the magic of panto. He sings too, and so do all the children. It has now been a full month into the tour and he started touring on the 25th of October 2023.
He says "We've been very busy. We had our 2 weeks of rehearsals. Our working week was from Wednesday to Monday and then we had Tuesday off. Our rehearsal days always started at 8:00 with an intense physical warmup that is different each day, for example, Voice, Body, Breathing etc... And then for our last few minutes we'd rehearse the finale dance that is the famous song "Dance The Night Away" most recently seen in Barbie."
He dances, and sings awesome songs like Dynamite by BTS, Paradise by George Ezra and Trustfall by Pink. And even a Taylor Swift Times Table Song! And last but not least I also perform Green, Green Grass by George Ezra, except instead of dancing I perform Makaton to the song. All of these dances and songs were learnt during the 2 week process, as well as rehearsing the full script.
There's four of them on the team, and they construct the set at each school they tour to and depending on the size of the space, it can be very challenging. Plus they sort props and move the set during the show as well.
Touring from Glasgow all the way down to Norwich, and onwards into central London.
Overall he's really enjoying the experience, there certainly are challenging moments for example, however he says he's pretty confident and comfortable.